Programme // Timetable

Day 0ne
Main Event
Day Two
Main Event
Setting the Conference Scene – Moderator – Mr Arabile Gumede
08:46 - 09:00
Welcome Address
  • Chairperson, Government Employees Pension Fund and World Bank Representative
09:00 - 09:20
Keynote Address by Dr David Masondo, Deputy Minister of Finance

Pension Funds – a critical role in stimulating economic growth

09:20 - 09:35
Moderator in conversation with keynote speaker
09:35 - 10:35
Panel Discussion: How to ensure a pension for all upon retirement?
  • Belonging to a pension fund or having an option to save for retirement is not a reality in most developing countries. How do we change this?
  • Should there be a mandatory social security scheme?
  • How can technology be leveraged to reach all citizens
  • How do you incentivise people to save?



  • Mr. Abel Sithole – Principal Executive Officer Government Employees
    Pension Fund (GEPF)
  • Mr. Ant Lester – Former Director: Willis Towers Watson
  • Mr. Nzomo Mutuku – Chief Executive Officer: Retirement Benefits Authority,
  • Ms. Ann Cabot-Alletzhauser – Head: Alexander Forbes Research Institute
10:35 - 10:50
Q & A Session
10:50 - 11:05
Networking Break/Refreshments
11:05 - 12:05
Defined Benefits (DB) and Defined Contributions (DC) Conundrum: what are the innovations and trends?
  • Case study of the UK’s Collective Defined Contribution Plans – Mr. Andrew Slater – Independent Actuarial and Investment Expert
  • Case study of India’s New Pension System India – Mr. Gautam Bhardwaj, Founder and Director, pinBox, Singapore
  • Case study of Chile – Ms. Olga Fuentes, Deputy Chairman of Regulation, Superintendent of Pensions – Chile

Moderated by Ms Fiona Stewart, World Bank

12:05 - 12:20
Q & A Session
12:20 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
Panel Discussion: Building Sustainable Defined Benefit Pension Funds
  • Achieving benefits predictability while reducing volatility of contributions and funding requirements in the face of financial market volatility
  • Reviewing methodologies for measuring pension liabilities
  • Designing a funding methodology that can reduce the volatility of sponsor contributions during periods of financial market volatility
  • What is the right balance between the contribution rate and investment risk?



  • Mr. Eric Gires – Principal Actuary – World Bank
  • Mr. Jordan Berger – Director – Institutional Investors Roundtable
  • Mr. Marius du Toit – Divisional Executive: Specialist Support – FSCA
  • Dr. Petri Greeff – Head: Investment Advisory and Administration – Riscura
  • Mr. Howard Buck – Actuary – Keystone Actuarial Solutions
  • Mr. Erich Potgieter – Actuary and Consultant – Willis Towers Watson
14:30 - 14:45
Q & A Session
14:45 - 15:45
Panel discussion: Impact investing and ESG integration: incorporating environmental, social and governance considerations in pension fund investment decision making
  • Where are the opportunities?
  • What are the key challenges?
  • Reconciling fiduciary objectives and constrains
  • Idiosyncratic vs systematic ESG risks and the role of public pension funds



  • Mr. Gabriel Petre – lead Investment Strategists, World Bank
  • Dr. Colin Habberton – Founder, Relativ Group
  • Ms. Nicola Comninos – Chairperson, JSE Pension Fund
  • Ms. Fabiana Fedeli – Managing Director and Global Head of Fundamental
    Equity, Robeco
  • Ms. Nicole Martens – UN PRI Head Africa and Middle East
15:45 - 16:00
Q & A Session
16:00 - 17:15
Panel discussion: Prescribed Investments and Co-investing
  • What are the objectives?
  • What are the governance considerations?
  • Prescribed investments – case study from Namibia


  • Mr. Kenneth Matomola – Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Namibia Financial
    Institutions Pension Fund (NAMFISA) (Namibia)
  • Ms. Joanne Yoo – Managing Director, Development Partners International
  • Mr. Rob Rusconi – Founder and Actuary, Tres Consulting
  • Mr. Ndabe Mkhize –Chief Investment Officer, Eskom Pension and Provident
  • Mr Isaac Ramputa – Chairperson, Batseta
  • Mr. Sholto Dolamo – Head: Research

Moderated by Ms. Daniela Klingebiel – Manager Financial Advisory Banking Reserves, World Bank

17:15 - 17:30
Q & A Session
Recap Day 1 by Moderator
Conference Dinner
08:30 - 09:00
Opening Address
  • How can King IV be used to bolster governance for pension Funds – Judge Mervyn King
09:00 - 09:15
Q & A Session
09:15 - 10:15
Panel discussion: Governance and fiduciary duty and public trust.
  • Fiduciary responsibility – what are the roles and responsibilities of trustees?
  • Are fund trustees falling short of their fiduciary and ethical standards in executing their responsibilities?
  • What are the key policies and procedures necessary to ensure good governance?
  • How does a pension fund assess Board effectiveness?



  • Mr. Louis van Vuren – Chief Executive Officer, Fiduciary Institute of SA
  • Ms. Nicky Newton-King – Former CEO, Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)
  • Ms. Bekeme Masade-Olowola – Chief Executive Officer – CSR in Action, Nigeria
  • Mr. Theo Botha – Shareholder Activist, Proxy View
  • Mr. Bernard Murira – Lead Financial Officer, World Bank
10:15 - 10:30
Q & A Session
10:30 - 10:45
Networking break/Refreshments
10:45 - 11:05
Pension Fund Governance at the GEPF
  • Speaker: Dr. Renosi Mokate, Chairperson, GEPF
11:05 - 11:35
Governance challenges facing Pension Funds

Speaker: Mr. Marcelo Giugale, Director: Financial Advisory and Banking Department, World Bank Treasury

11:35 - 11:50
Q & A Session
11:50 - 12:50
Panel discussion: International investing by Pension Fund Managers
  • What are the opportunities?
  • What are the challenges?



  • Mr. David Nuyoma – Chief Executive Officer, Government Institutions Pension Fund, Namibia
  • Mr. David Ashiagbor – Head: Making Finance Work for Arica, African Development Bank
  • Mr. Elias Masilela – Executive Chairperson, DNA Economics
  • Mr. Gabriel Petre – Lead Investment Strategist, World Bank,
  • Mr. Aymeric Saha – Managing Director, MiDA
12:05 - 13:05
Q & A Session
12:50 - 13:05
Closing Remarks

Mr. Abel Sithole, Principal Executive Officer, GEPF

13:15 - 13:25
Day 2 of Conference Close and Departure

Conference Closing

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